The Committee

The research shows that the 19th century is the point when human activities started affecting the climate at its peak. With the start of the Industrial Revolution, The emissions of CO2 were the highest, disrupting the structure of the atmosphere, raising the amount of changes in global warming, and causing more. In the 1970s, the requirements for environmental governance in an international way weren't globally approved, mostly by developing countries. Moreover, in 1972 the United Nations Environment Program was formed. Mostly this conference covered, pollution, marine life, protection of resources, environmental change, and disasters related to natural and biological change. With the changes in humanity. The topics have changed and developed through time, according to people and the world's requirements. The Environmental Program's goal with the usage of partnerships of ally states was to create a better environmental world for the youth with an increased life quality.

UNEP's evolves around eight divisions;

  • Science Divison,

  • Policy and Program Divison,

  • Ecosystem Divison,

  • Economy Divison,

  • Governance Affairs Office,

  • Law Divison,

  • Communication Divison,

  • Corporate Services Division.

The Environmental Program is working to decrease climate change by the most, stop disasters and conflicts from happening, and improve ecosystem management, environmental governance, environment under view, usage of chemicals and waste, and resource efficiency. UNEP covers many around the world through its rooted connections.

UNEP's board of management, the United Nations Environment Assembly (UNEA) has been the world's highest-level decision-making board on the environment since 2012. UNEA has the universal membership of all 193 UN Member States and the full process of major groups and assembling the ministers of environment in Nairobi, Kenya every two years.

Keeping the situation in mind, to decrease the problems in the environment UNEP needs The Medium Term Strategy (MTS) to express its role in mentioning the goals of the Agenda 2030 as well as the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development (Rio+20) and its resolution document, "The Future We Want". For continuous development, it promotes countries to deliver their environmental commitments under international agreements.

UNEP's goal is to be in this period by driving transformative, multi-stakeholder moves that aim at the causes of the changes in the climate, biodiversity, loss, and pollution. UNEP will raise exertion to use digital technologies for inclusive, transparent, and innovative conclusions.

While validating the complicated and interconnectedness of climate change, biodiversity loss, and pollution, the MTS takes on seven linked support programs for moves;

  • Climate Action,

  • Chemicals and Pollution Action,

  • Nature Action,

  • Science Policy,

  • Environmental Governance,

  • Finance and Economic Transformations,

  • Digital Transformations.

In the Agenda of 2030, world leaders proclaimed that they are "Determined to protect the planet from degradation, including through sustainable consumption and production, sustainably managing its natural resources and taking urgent action on climate change, so that it can support the needs of the present and future generations." The UN Environment's Agenda of 2030 brings a tomorrow that can converge retainable development by increasing the environmental energy and the people who are going to be much better for social life and the world economy. Also while doing all of that decreasing the risk factors of the environment is one of the Agenda's goals.

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