Finance and Economic Transformations

UNEP supports the shift of finance and business practices towards retainable patterns of depletion and production and towards decreasing the impacts on climate, biodiversity loss, and pollution to realize the intentions of the Agenda of 2030.

Three of the six One Planet network programs are helping to form enabling environments and shift markets and preferences: retainable lifestyles and education.

  1. Composing the integration of UNEP initiatives in support of embracing green economies in countries:

To put together its many complementary initiatives, UNEP will promote countries in drawing up and implementing effective frameworks for retainable consumption and production, including resource efficiency and circularity, and reflecting them in relevant national plans and policies.

  1. Promoting business works and policies for accelerating retainable consumption and production, including through resource-efficient and circular approaches:

UNEP and its rooted sides, including On Planet Network, the Partnership for Action on Green Economy, the Green Growth Knowledge Platform and Global Opportunities for SustainableDeelopment Goals, will back up countries, states, and businesses in accelerating a transition to more circular value chains, cleaner and more resource-efficient, among other ways, to accelerating retainable consumption and production.

  1. Accelerating the alignment of finance with sustainability views and policy priorities:

The UNEP Finance initiative will work through its multiple normative initiatives, for example, the Principles for Responsible Banking, the Principles for Sustainable Insurance, the Net-Zero Asset Owner Alliance, and the Principles for Positive Impact Finance, to align banking, insurance, and deposit works to back inclusive green economy transformation.

  1. Backing cities, substructures, buildings, and construction in urban and peri-urban areas to be more available:

After the rise of COVID-19, states and urban native populations were fully unprotected from their situation in nature and their sometimes fragile value chains for providing food and essential supplies, with the pandemic causing a housing crisis and intensification of unevenness. UNEP will focus on retainable and resistive value chains in the food, structures, instability, extractives, and energy sectors. It will encourage integrated approaches to planning and design, particularly in front of the public eye and private substructure, linking grey, blue, and retainable infrastructure.

  1. Encouraging environmentally friendly investments for an embracing and retainable urban transformation in support of occupations and ecological resilience and restoration:

While keeping the COVID-19 case in mind and other socioeconomic drivers, returns of the many immigrants to urban areas, underwriting ecosystem resilience, and the opportunities in occupations to make the absorption of the returnees possible would be important. UNEP will partner with the United Nations establishments and its mutuals in government and industry to support retainable long-term backup for a retainable overcome. It will benefit from professional potential to support the restoration of degraded ecosystems and deposits in nature for new opportunities in occupations, biodiversity enhancement, and the mitigation of the climate and with adaptation, as well as to back up the transition retainable agriculture and feeding systems, and to improve inclusive environmental governance to sources in nature management more commonly.

  1. Supplying inclusive wealth circumstances to more information on the connections between natural assets, poverty, and unevenness, thereby enhances the capability of Member States to deliver on the Agenda of 2030:

(UNEP 2018) Poverty and inequality are likely to influence other trends in the post-pandemic world, as suggested in the last report of the Secretary-General on progress towards the Retainable Development Goals (E/2020/57). UNEP works on inclusive wealth will back up the national circumstances offices in their works to watch the dimensions of the environment about the Retainable Development Goals and develop a statical infrastructure for inclusive wealth circumstances, which will show an opportunity to clarity and define the recovery from COVID-19 in terms of retainable development, connecting to aspiration of the Paris Agreement and Beyond GDP moves.

Finance and economic transformations:

  • climate stability

  • living in adaptation to nature

  • pollution-free world

  • science-policy

  • environmental governance

  • digitalization

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