Effects of Climate Change

Hotter Temperatures

According to the state's annual Climate Report (N.OAA) 2021, the temperature of the ocean and land has increased by 0.08 Celsius per decade. Almost all of the land is seeing more heat waves. Higher temperatures increase illnesses and work difficulties. Temperatures in the Arctic increase two times faster than before. The greenhouse gas emissions blanket traps the sun's heat. Fires in forests start more easily than before and destroy the forests.

More Severe Storms

Due to climate change, the heat of the air increases. The temperature rises, and the moisture increases. In every 1 Celsius, the moisture increases by an average of 7%. This boosts the chance of thunderstorms, leading to more frequent lightning and storms. The warming ocean also affects tropical storms, hurricanes, and typhoons. Those storms and typhoons often destroy houses and buildings.

Increased drought

Climate change increases the heat, and the water automatically evaporates into the air. The water gets sold out this way. It causes periods that make the precipitation drier than the conditions in which it may be cooler. Climate change also affects the alteration of the water. Droughts also affect the products that come from the soil. Nowadays, many people are threatened by not having enough water for their basic needs.

Rising Ocean Levels

The ocean's warming increases every single day. The warming ocean affects the ice around the world, and the ice sheets melt. the ocean level increases. There are 230 feet of ocean, and the ocean increases by 3.6mm per year. The carbon dioxide that comes from the atmosphere increases the acid in the ocean. It endangers the lives of the animals and the reefs.

Loss of Species

Global warming affects animal biodiversity and causes extinctions due to gas emissions. However, climate change gets worse and worse every single day. These risks increase as the temperature climbs. The extinction rate is 1000 times greater than any other era of human history. More than one million species are at risk of becoming extinct within a few decades. With the increase of forest fires, extreme weather, and diseases, some species will survive, but some won't.

Lack of Food

Global temperatures and sea levels rise, and accordingly, droughts and extreme weather are becoming more common. All the fisheries, crops, and livestock may be destroyed or closed. Billions of people who get their needs met from these groceries are at risk. While changes in many Arctic regions have disrupted food and fishing, they also affect the products—the meal, the food, the livestock, and the grasslands.

Increased Health Risks

The differences in climate change affect the heat and the air we breathe. Hotter temperatures result in asthma attacks, heart diseases, respiratory and other illnesses and injuries, and even death. Every year, 13 million people are affected by the health risks due to climate change, as the changing weather and extreme weather make it difficult to take care of their health and increase the death rate.

Poverty and Displacement

The negative impact of climate change is more felt by low-income countries, which depend on natural resources. They have limited capacity because of the harmful effects of climate change. The capacity of the resources decreases day by day. Heat can also affect outdoor jobs in extreme weather. Most refugees are least ready to adapt to the situations caused by the impact of climate change.

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