Climate Action

The climate action sub-program contributes to climate stabilization by laying the groundwork for the successful implementation and modification of the Paris Agreement. The United Nations environmental program serves as the primary source of inspiration for action, providing nations with up-to-date scientific data to aid in the development of market and political strategies that will reduce climate change, boost resilience, and ensure decarbonization within the region. As stated in Section 52, Part C of the medium-term strategy, it is significant to remember that the principles support disaster- and conflict-affected countries and small island developing states. This fundamental principle assists developing and underdeveloped countries in keeping up with new strategies and technological developments to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

Therefore, UNEP channels and scales up its actions through networks and partnerships, including the financial and technology mechanisms of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (the Global Environment Facility, the Green Climate Fund, and the Climate Technology Centre and Network and Technology Executive Committee), for increased impact.

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